It seems just yesterday I was an insecure ten year old, dreaming of adulthood--grateful it was so far away. And here I am now, almost 21, still growing. . .but realizing that back then, I was merely existing. At last I am truly living. It's rather frightening, in the most thrilling sort of way. Every page in life's book is an adventure. Discovering new roads, distant dreams, future hopes. . .falling, getting back up, knowing my Savior, my Guide, is there to mark each path, to carry me through the darkest night. It's breathtaking. But I don't make New Years resolutions. Oh, I used too. . .in fact, this is the first year I didn't agonize over "what might happen"--because life is just continuing. I can't stop it. I can't alter anything in it's course. "Resolutions" are turned to goals. . .goals that can only be achieved through His will. How can I change. . .what can I do to draw closer to Him--making those goals, these "resolutions" into an everyday lifestyle. I want my life to be a constant resolution. . .it IS my goal.
Looking over my year, I am dazzled by all the blessings. He has opened so many incredible doors, when just a few years ago things looked bleak. Me, the girl with no opportunities. In His time, when He saw fit, when He was ready, He changed everything--almost overnight. For me, this new bridge means purpose. And slowly, day by day, I am beginning to cross it.
--my 20th birthday dawned with a celebration that utterly stunned my very-"blonde" self. A surprise Les Miserables themed party, put together by awesome friends and even awesomer family. It will always be one of my most cherished memories. . .

--flew in an airplane for the very first time on the way to Oregon then California. Mm. . .I am convinced there is nothing so spectacular as seeing the sun rise under a blanket of clouds, all pinkish-gold. And then Oregon! I could so live there. . .the huge trees, mountains, the little roadside coffee stands. It pretty much calls my name. . .spending time with my dear friend Nicole, attending a HUGE English Country Dance Ball. . . divine. But no. . .when I really think about it, I want to live in Disneyland. On MainStreet. Because it's magical--truly. The happiest place on earth. Hollywood, [sushi!] Beverly Hills, Rodeo Drive. . .they were all nice, but much too ritzy. Give me my good ol' Midwest any day. Or Disneyland.

--saw the ocean for the first time [again. 2011 was a year of firsts.] The beautiful, wild, Pacific; frothing over the beach, begging me to always stay. I left a piece of my being there.

--found another nanny job after our neighbors moved [where Anna and I worked for 3 years.] After that too came and went within a few short months, the Lord hand-picked another, the best yet. I am so grateful! Plus I adore these kids, 18 month old twins. They are an adorable joy--my favorite widdle Mr. and Miss. :)
--went to 4 more High Kings concerts. . .bringing the times I've seen my favorite Irish band up to 5. [go look 'em up. . .THK are the BESTEST. You can't be my blog reader unless you at least know who they are. It's blasphemous. :P ]
--participated in a star-lit reenactment (!!)
--an old theater, ornate, creepily-gorgeous in gold and red velvet. Tickets clutched tightly, squeezing past hundreds of people. Seats found. . .then the wait with bated breath. Until the orchestra sounds the first chord; until the curtain rises. Goosebumps. Heart-stopping chills. Nothing is as exquisite, evokes a spirit of emotion--like a play. All the color. . .the music. The weaving of song, story, costume, and voice into one masterpiece. The DRAMA. Les Miserables. . .it came to Cleveland. And I never blogged about it. But you see. . .I put the pro into procrastinator. ;) Let's just say I almost died. . .almost.


--it officially happened. . .when Anna bought herself, mom, and I tickets to. . .an Andrea Bocelli concert. :I DIED: My hero, MY Andrea. . .the voice of an angel. Sitting at the very top of a huge arena. . .the most amazing tenor in the history of the world a tiny dot on the stage, far, far, far below. But there were screens--and I saw him, I HEARD him. I sobbed. . .unabashedly. And now I can die in peace. For real. :P

I was an amazing year, sprinkled with trials that often overshadowed the rest. I've been learning that no matter what others think--I must stick to my guns. Conviction matters. . .legalism is a separate issue. I'm not going to let anyone convince me otherwise! Christ is my King and I will obey HIM. Everyone has a different heart--everyone's journey differs. . .and I'm quite satisfied with the one He's given me. Here's a bit of encouragement--follow His Will. Big things can happen. And when they don't. . .you've pleased Him, above all. That matters more--matters most.
5 High Kings concerts? My lands, your so lucky! I haven't even gotten to go to one yet!:(
ReplyDeleteSounds like your past year was perfectly lovely. I adore all the photos. You and Anna are such pretty sisters, by the way!
What a good post to read while I am in the depths of wanderlust... :)
ReplyDeleteMichaela, it sounds to me like you had a pretty epic 2011, filled to the brim with everything you love the most. The High Kings, Andrea Bocelli, the ocean, reenactments, Les Miz . . . oh, be still my heart. :) I'm glad your year was so blessed and wonderful.
ReplyDeleteLove & Blessings,
Elizabeth Rose
Great post! :) Your 2011 was exciting! Your way of writing is beautiful by the way. Oh, The Left Behind books are the best books I have ever read...ever!!
ReplyDeleteSounds like you had an amazing year. I did too. :)
ReplyDeleteI like your blog by the way. Very fun.
Pretty epic year for ya, girl! And this year'll be even more epic...because you're coming to see moi. And moi being epic just rubs off on everyone and makes them epic, too! Hehehehe.
Sounds like a great year! And Fiddler on the Roof is pretty much one of the best musicals EVER. It's my mom's favorite :)