It seems like forever since I've done an Awkward and Awesome post!--glad so many of you enjoy this feature, because I really have fun with it. Here's a little sampling of the last several months. . .now, and, uh, lets not think of the future just yet. :P After all, "awkward" is my middle name. :cough: Like the time I dropped. . .oh yeah, and then I slipped. . .never mind. :P Don't forget to comment with some horrible-hilarity yourself! (and while your at it, I'd love to hear what "awesome" things God is doing in your life. :)

- Walking into a restaurant with a younger sister and being questioned by the hostess--"what's up, girls?" Um, ok, so I know we LOOK like loitering twelve year olds, but really? REALLY??
- Making cake for company. Hm? Oh, the soupy-chocolate batter all over the kitchen? That was SUPPOSED to happen. Secret ingredient.
- The swollen-look-of-gloom that continually met me in the mirror for nearly two weeks. It's called canker sores.
- Waking up too quickly for work, blacking out, and smacking my chin on the dresser. Goodbye teacup collection!
- Posing as the semi-official "coffee girl" at a friends wedding a few months ago. . .and forgetting to turn the hot water knob OVER the industrial sized coffee machine. Result? Scalding water. Everywhere. Hey, laughter (and plenty of towels,) covers a multitude of sins.
- Weeding in the rain. As in, the landscaping looked better pre-mud-clods-all-over-the-grass. If I ever get my flip-flops clean again, I'll let you know.
- Picking window seats for EVERY flight (trip to Washington,) and. . .after several long moments of indecisive agony and torture, asking in an oh-so-small-voice if the two gentleman sitting next to you would "mind getting up for just a second"?
- Battling an earbud package--you know the kind that have the bubble case and just refuse to open without scissors?--with a pen. And punching a hole in it. Only to realize, after further warfare, that you just CAN'T pull the nasty pink things out. Meanwhile, no one is taking pity on you, the flight attendant isn't allowed to carry scissors #refrainsfromsarcasticcomment and your 30 minutes of free airport WiFi is dwindling.
I'm pretty sure Caribou Coffee barista's with knives will always and forever be my heroes.
- Wearing a borrowed maxi skirt. . .in the rain. I had to roll it up about 10 times to keep the hem off the ground. You can imagine what it looked like before I came to this ingenious decision.
- The first rodeo of the year. Nothing quite like cowboys, crazed, bucking bulls, ice cream, and good old fashioned Americana.
- Discovering the Love Comes Softly series. Like I mentioned in my last post, sometimes cheesy, heartwarming romance just hits the spot. And this is coming from an hater of Christian romance. Yes, you may congratulate me. ;)
- Spiritual wrestling. We serve a powerful, Only-Wise Lord!
- Buying everyone coffee. . .at the zoo. Gotta do things in style. B)
- Coming home from nannying to a warm shower, a more-then-half-way completed blog post, (double win!) and a plateful of peppers with hummus. This, my friends, is what I call living.
- Spending an afternoon with Beyond the Mask friends. And gushing over teapots. And eating pizza. And exploring the Shire. And talking about Adventures in Odyssey. And just being totally blessed. . .because fellowship is food for the soul.
- Seeing my friends and all-time favorite Celtic music group this weekend, The High Kings. 'nuff said.
- Waking up early to drive nearly two hours for the girls assessments with mom; a chatting, laughing, frozen yogurt kinda deal. Sometimes the smallest things bring the biggest joys!
- Getting "brown paper packages tied up with string" from one of my Lovelies. Yes Danielle, I'm looking at you! ♥
- Conversations with three year olds. Just yesterday while nannying, "Mimi" (that would be Yours Truly) and the twins were discussing all the awesome-points of Mimi. . .such as "well, Mimi jumps on the trampoline," to which one of them adds, "that's because your short enough!"
- Nearly completing a journal. This my friends, is a huge milestone coming from a girl who for years would write two. . .or three. . .pages at a time. As in, that was the extent of all and every journal I tried writing (for "my future grandchildren." I know, lame. :P ) Until now. Very proud of myself, to say the least. :)
- Falling in love with thread crochet all over again.
"I must be a mermaid. I have no fear of depths and a great fear of shallow living."
Loved the part about the maxi skirt. =) I ordered one custom made for my height and *still* had to cut about 3 inches off! Love them, though. So cute and comfy.
Having your hoop come *completely* undone during a Civil War dance performance and have to hurry down a hallway with people in it trying to not look conspicuous as you hold up your falling hoop.
Time for a new hoop!!
My huge mess while I'm crafting- takes.over.everything
While wearing your Civil War clothes you are asked if you are Amish or "just Christian" and replying "just Christian", but then realizing that doesn't sound right. =P
Making cupcakes for a wedding rehearsal dinner and feeling like you're on one of those cable food shows where the clock is ticking and your blood pressure is skyrocketing because you are still icing cupcakes 10 minutes before they're suppose to be picked up
Your hair curly perfectly but being unable to duplicate it the same next time.
Eating ice cream 4 times in the course of the week because it *is* National Ice Cream month after all.
Getting back into journaling during my quiet time
1 John 4:9-10. God's love for us is truly amazing - we are so undeserving!
The movie UP. ♥
Finishing said cupcakes and having a full 30 minutes to relax. And having the people picking them up love them. =)
The hope that grows stronger each day that I *may* not be gluten intolerant after all and thinking about all of baked goods I hope to make.
These were awesome. :P All of it. And I get to laugh at your expense. :P j/k
DeleteTotally understand the curly hair stuff. Someday they will invent hairspray the permanently keep a style in place. ;)
You know, I haven't seen Up yet? I think I'm going to have to have a pizza night and try it. It looks like the cutest movie!
Just read this comment late. =) You would LOVE Up! It is so adorable, better than most new movies Disney is putting out. =)
DeleteNice!! I love you awkward awesome Thursday posts. :)
ReplyDeleteAre you talking about the love comes softly books or movies cause I've watched most..I think all,thanks to some siblings and mom,but we started laughing after watching half of them cause we were like,"aww,she found a cute nice's a piety he is gonna die in the next movie and she will be marrying someone else."
Anywho,loved this post. And one of these days I'm going to go to a high kings concert! Those guys are awesome.
The movies, but I DID read the first book. I've heard they are totally different, so I'd like to work my way through the novels as well. I am STILL enjoying the movies (we have one left,) but they just keep getting cheesier and cheesier. Still hit the hear-warming spot, but you know. ;) It's like, "lemme guess. . .her first husband dies. . .and she's going to have dark hair in this episode. . .no wait, she's a blonde again." :P Still fun, either way.
DeleteYes, you really need to make it to an HK concert someday. It's totally worth it!
Love you and love your blog.
ReplyDeleteI'm thinking I might have to do one of these Awkward and Awesome posts... I so love reading them!
Blessings and hugs!
And I love you. And you totally should. :) ::hugs::
DeleteMissed hearing from ya, chica!
ReplyDeleteOh, oh, oh, I've got one.
Awkward: Coloring your hair at home and instead of the lovely shade of ginger/auburn you want, you get a mix of burgundy and fire-engine red. It's not THAT bad, really...I got tons of compliments on it, and one of my more stoic brothers came out and said he thought it looked great. I'm like, whaaaa?
Awesome: Going to the salon tomorrow to fix it to what I *wanted* it to be - a nice auburn shade. ;)
hahaha. . .ohhh. . .that sounds. . .interesting. Looks great, btw. Glad it all worked out! B)
DeleteYay! Thanks for another very fun awkward and awesome Thursday! God has really used your blog to bless and encourage me, thank you from the bottom of my heart! (And would you consider posting about seeing the High Kings? Very big fan here in Washington! So happy that you get to go!)
❤Madison Lyerla
Awww, well you have no idea how much this comment blessed me, Madi! Huge encouragement, and I mean that. :) I actually am going to be posting about THK's next week, so hang tight!
Delete***I. Love. Your. Blog.***
ReplyDeleteAnd this post! Of course, I had to wait to read it because I had to search 'Beyond The Mask' for myself and my Burns-Family-Studios-crazy siblings..... we loved that too though. ;o ) Favorite picture was the one of you dressed up in your costume and drinking water from a bottle. (yes. I'm entirely serious.)
Right now I couldn't come up with an Awkward/Awesome part of comment, but when I figure one out - or it happens - I'll either post it here or send it through the survey with the next round of questions... ;o P
God bless Michaela!
In Christ,
Ysa <3
Oh goodness, Ysa, you gals are too funny. :P Btw, while your gushing over Burns Family Studios, try Henline Productions, and check out the update I just posted. Polycarp is going to be ANOTHER awesome Independent film. B)
DeleteHehe :D
ReplyDeletecool quote!