I call it my praying spot. A green tunnel all alone, beyond the broken fence where I sit. When I close my eyes to listen, the roar of traffic fades; I am a million miles away from homes, neighbors. Alone, just me and God. Sunlight spills in patches from The Shire, opening to an untouched field. When it rains, puddles--or are they fairy pools?--soak my toes, turning my small paradise into a whimsical thing, a place in a storybook. Then there are the creatures; squirrels chattering away, an occasional chipmunk, and every day, no matter what time of day, I am visited by a pair of House Wrens. They've become my friends, these homely, lively little brown birds. Always there. Always "whirring" warnings as if to say "who is this invader and why won't she leave?" Perhaps I'll name them. There's a connection between us, me and the wrens. Almost like a promise from God, a token from Him, reminding me that He is there. That He is watching. That He is the Master Artist. That He is in control. How someone looks at creation and fails to see a Creator is something I'll never grasp. In this place I commune with my King--utterly alone, worshiping Him to the deepest, fullest degree. Here I can reach Him. I can see Him, face to face. In my praying spot of filtered sunlight and tunneled green, fairy pools and dull-colored birds, I meet my Savior. It's no more than a nook, a desperate search for peace in a place teeming with noise, where a walk outside means waving "hello", where sirens blare and children play. But not in my praying spot. There everything is peace. There I can praise and cry and lift my hands. When we worship, He fills us with His smile of blessing. He enters our soul and dwells there. He becomes our guide, our strength, and we realize just how small we really are. Things may seem "good", things may be going fine in ones life--yet it makes THAT much of a difference to wake with praise on ones lips, with a song of thanks. Oh, the beauty of it, when we stop and say "not my will, but thine be done!"

How amazing to be blessed with this place of escape and serenity. It truly speaks of how amazing God is that He can give us each that sanctuary, even if we don't have a corner of Neverland. :-) Since I live in an apartment complex, the only way I can get privacy outdoors is to hang blankets and towels around my balcony railing and sit on the wooden slats, ducked down behind them. BUT, it still is that beautiful spot where I can feel alone and block everything else out and away. I don't take advantage of it as much as I should (sometimes my sanctuary is on my bed at the end of the day with my husband reading his Bible beside me), thank you for the reminder of how important this time of meditation, reflection, and communion with the Lord is in daily life.
Very inspiring! Helped me realize I don't have to be in a perfect spot to pour out my heart to Him, but that time with Him makes any time or place perfect! Thank you :) (by the way the new header is cute!)
This was beautiful, oh so beautiful and true. Anywhere, one may enter the gates and courts of heaven with thanksgiving and praise. And how wonderfully it enriches us, and blesses our lives. Peace and happiness just flow when we have that communion with our creator. And it causes us to grow. I'm so glad you posted about this, so many people think its strange to praise and give thanks for everything and in everything, that they miss out on the splendor of his glory in our lives.
ReplyDeleteBlessings ~ Rachel Hope