Monday, September 26, 2011

sincerely, me

Dear Goldfish, I really shouldn't be eating you, especially after drinking a Mocha Frappe earlier today - but thanks for bringing back the childhood thrill of your cheesy, cracker-goodness. I approve of you. Especially right now, after a very stressful evening. . .you and The Dutchman [stuck in my head] are a yummy combo.

Dear Civil War Ballgown, you were the source of much of my stress, and you fell apart at the OSR Ball, but I'll try and forgive you. . .since you DID look nice, so long as no one got too close. You were marvelous under that [painful] swishy hoop, even though I kept stepping on the skirt hem. I will admit there is nothing so awkwardly-amazing as dancing in a huge, hallow bell. . .really, that's what it felt like. o.O

{Yours Truly in rosy-pink gown, Anna in buttercup-yellow}

[not so] Dear Creepy Man at the coffee shop, it makes me so sad that Anna and I couldn't enjoy our mocha frappe's without you creeping us out. Not only did you frighten us, you ruined our deliciously rainy, care-free afternoon. And our trip to the library. [library computers are so much more fun then PC's. ;) ) Thank God for mothers who rescue unnerved daughters [who don't drive.] :shiver:

Dear Nick, thank you for being such a good boy, even though part of the skin is missing from my finger. You are really a wonderful, obedient puppy. Working with you every day - training, training, training. . .is finally paying off. I see a therapy dog in the making, I really do. Bravo little guy! keep making mama proud.

Dear Seth and Alyssa, welcome to the official "novel-family." You are lucky. . .the Confederate solider [mentioned in a previous post] and countless others have died distant, forgotten deaths. But you, dear, beautiful, [SETH!] incredible, awesome-Nano twins [YES, I am doing Nanowrimo again this year] shall live to change the world. At least I hope. Remember, as your co-creator, I can ditch you at any time. . .

{photo via Pinterest}

Dear Ohio Summer Rendezvous, thank you for giving me the opportunity to help bring so many people together from around the country. As a friend said once, "homeschoolers are. . .AWESOME!"  But of course. And to think that some of these awesome people meet each year at a wonderfully-woodsy camp to play, sing, talk, laugh, dance, play, sing, talk, laugh, and dance some more. The memories are priceless; hastily thrown together [and hilarious] skits, waving at random "boat guys" from a "giant" lifeguard chair. . .

{Yes, that is moi making that horrid face. . .and yes, they waved back ;) }

Dear Horrendously-Frightening Vintage/Costume shop, I love you. Even though your employees are Goth and the aisle-ways are so smooshed together I feel claustrophobic. Your racks and racks of costumes are breathtaking, [literally] and that white, lacy 50's dress was superior. Just sayin'.

Dear readers, I hope this didn't bore you too much. What has been happening in YOUR life? How are you enjoying the colder weather so far? Leave me a comment. :) AND, keep in mind, a giveaway is coming soon.

~ Mich


  1. haha,you made me smile Micheala....

    Oh,I agree 'homeschoolers are awesome' =)

    Wonderful post,but your posts are always awesome!

  2. Well, let's see.. pretty much TONS of school.. adjusting to our new dog (we moved from a little mutt that just came up to my knee to a Great Pyreneese who comes up to my waist!). Loving on the adorable puppies who don't seem to be missing their momma dog (who died last week), school, getting my lines memorized today that are due tomorrow at drama, school, getting some things done around the house, school, working on my books, and... oh, did I mention school? haha.

    Actually, I thought that this post was really cute, the way it was written and all. :) Definitely wouldn't mind seeing another like it. :)

  3. I can't wait for Nano to start. I loved how you threatened your characters, I do that all the time. "Beware, lest I have you killed, or seriously wounded..." :)

    Love your posts, they are always sunshine spots in my days. :)

  4. I loved this post! Thanks for sharing what has been going on in your life!

    I've been loving the crisp, chilly weather of Indiana. So lovely.

    Have a blessed day!

  5. Aww, this made me smile. ^.^

    Your dress, that beautiful rosy-pink dress, looks absolutely gorgeous. The sleeves, the sleeves! I adore the sleeves. The way they puff--so elegant. Beautiful, beautiful work.

  6. Love this post! You are one of the BEST bloggers ever!:) And I would definetly be a follower if I had a blogger account (I share one so I can't really follow any blogs:()But as it is I look at your blog everyday almost!:)
    Your ballgown is absoulutely BEAUTIFUL!!:) I just love it. And the dance looks like so much fun, as well as most of the other things you mentioned:)
    ~In Christ
    P.S. I'm commenting with my brother's account since I can't figure out how to use OpenID, in case your wondering.:)

  7. Your posts are always far from boring. ;) I love 'em! Not much has been happening. Just.... life! Thanks for sharing about yours.

    P.S. Those pictures are so cute! ;)

  8. I ALWAYS love you posts, Michaela! And I also LOVE the gown you were wearing, very elegant:)

    In Christ,

  9. Oh, what an *enjoyable* post!! Btw, I ADORE yours & your sister's dresses! Ah!

    And little Nick took a nip at your finger? Nah. I don't think it's possible... if you just look at his innocent face, you'll see he didn't really. 8~)

    Since you asked, the weather is just splendid here in OK. The sun is out and shining, yet there's a brisk chill to the air... the *perfect* Autumn weather. Hope it sticks around a bit longer!

    ~ Tarissa
    { In the Bookcase }


Thank you for visiting Rhapsody in PINK, friend! I hope it has blessed you in some little way. Please remember to stop in again. . .and leave a name with your comment (if you do not have a Blogger account.)