Thursday, September 8, 2011

raindrops in my day.

drizzle. clover decorated puddles; the "real" irish kind. there must be a shamrock in there somewhere, buried under mounds of bright green leaves. a puppy, suddenly rat-like and skinny under his wet coat. there is a crispy fallish tone in everything. under running yorkie feet, splashing through the yard. in my carefree house clothes, spattered with mud; yelling encouragement to my "baby", not caring what the neighbors think as we chase a giant frisbee. twice the size as nick, his tiny furry self flies along to catch it; jumping into potential danger, paying little heed to my scolding."mr. bingley", the shy, mysterious young man who just moved in. each time he passes on his bike, anna teases, "smile at mr. bingley jane, smile at mr. bingley!" ah, sisters. they are everywhere indoors, FIVE of them - some "helping" with nick while the older ladies bustle about in a frenzy of scissors, piles of fabric, and thread. civil war ball gowns. not exactly perfect, rose and buttercup satin; coming together at last,  elegant, making us feel like queens. pinterest. an addicting blogger paradise, taking up hours of time between sewing and puppy-chasing. i think i'm in love. this, i've noticed, is one of my favorite bloggy phrases. because i'm random. colder weather. leather gloves, knee-length boots; cozy sweaters and long, brightly colored knee-high sockscoffee. one of heaven's greatest gifts. there is simply no life without it, especially when drunk before a pinterest-happy screen. new blog title. it celebrates the pearls of thought i scatter throughout this blog; little nothings. . .i hope you like it.

"thank goodness air and salvation are still free. . .and so is laughter."
- Anne of the Island

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*note* that i am super busy with a big event i'm planning; i may not blog for a week at least. for now, please keep leaving comments. . .oh, and if you want me to follow your blog (as some voted in the poll,) i will gladly do so. . .but you have to leave a link. ;) i can't follow you if i don't know who you are! toodle pip


  1. I *LOVE* the new name, Michaela:) Your blog has ALWAYS been very pretty to me, though:)

    In Christ,

  2. I love the new name; it's very beautiful and feminine (sp?).

  3. Gotta love the Mr. Bingley's of the world :) Oh, life with four sisters! I know exactly what that's like :D

    a lovely post, my dear.


  4. What a pretty post! I needed something to smile at. :) I love your new look and the name.

    I just got on Pinterest a month ago and I'm addicted too, I was happy to see that you were on too.:)

  5. I love the post, Michaela! :) And the new header and name. Absolutely fabulous. :)

  6. Darlin', lovely post. Nick is the most adorable doll on the face of the PLANET, people. Sigh.

    And toodle-pip!!!!! One of my FAVORITEST words evah. You need to read P.G. Wodehouse, girl. SERIOUSLY.

    Cannot WAIT to see the dresssss!!!!

    Toodle-oo (another favorite word...did you know Tori said that the toodle-words are outdated, no one uses them any more? is that SAAAADNESS or what???!!! I ask you!!!!!),


  7. your new header is lovely, did you take the picture of the raindrops ? its beautiful I will have to find you on pintrest, its great fun. I love the way you wrote this post
    a little random but it all flows. Thank you for this little peek into your day.
    Rachel Hope

  8. You got me hooked on Pinterest! I'm spending way too much time on there! :) So much fun though. I love your page, it's great to see we have much the same interests! Except, I love England instead of Ireland. And home is very sweet and dear! Happy Pinteresting! I'm sure I'll see you there!

    ♥ Heidi

  9. this post is lovely. it describes everything wonderful on a rainy day. :)

    I would love if you followed my blog! here's the link:

    thank you!

  10. I love your new name! It fits your blog perfectly, and the header is beautiful, especially the rose petals on the piano. Did you take that picture?

    Had to laugh about Mr. Bingley. Does he have a friend for Anna to glare at? ;D

    Maria Elisabeth

  11. Oh, and I totally forgot to tell you that I gave you the Liebster Blog Award.

  12. Hey girl, I have SEVERAL giveway going on at my blog, I would love it if you would check it out:)

    In Christ,

  13. Very pretty blog header, Michaela! Great font - it looks really nice with the photos. =)


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