Sunday, April 14, 2013

The key.

You know, there's a God out there. Have you stopped to consider lately? It's SO easy to get wrapped around our own agenda--how WE think things should work. How WE think things should happen. Everything perfect. Everything according to OUR desires and plans. It's like this--when God does something big in your life, He's showing you a key; golden, sparkling. So beautiful. He promises that with this key a door will be opened--HIS door, a new, exciting adventure. . .for you. Because you have pleased Him. You've been faithful. But then, overwhelmed by His goodness, and without waiting to hear the rest, you snatch the key away, overjoyed by God's gift. . .and open the door yourself.

It may still be stunning, the world on the other side. It may still be full of blessing. But then you stumble into a pothole of doubt. . .then another, and another.

Because when YOU lead your life, begin to fret, or worry, or manipulate things, you will miss the biggest blessing of all. Walking with your Savior. Following HIS way. Letting Him take the key--because there is so much more to His gift. Letting HIM open the door. Letting Him show you each new wonder.

Lord, teach us--teach ME--to wait on you. And forgive me, Lord, for taking life into my own hands. It's doesn't work. May we ALL learn to truly appreciate your goodness and remember, we are servants of the Most High.


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