Friday, November 16, 2012

In pictures.









Coming to theaters 2014.
{Photos via BtM's fanpage and blog}

Really quick--thanks so much to everyone who's filled out my survey! All your encouragement is amazing and the tips/suggestions are very helpful. In answer to a question regarding my work on the Beyond the Mask costume team--a full length, verrry long Awkward and Awesome post is coming. Should answer everything and more. ;) 


  1. Oh my goodness, it looks incredible!!!

  2. AAAAAAH! I want to see this movie SO BAD! How frightfully exciting!
    Do you have any idea what the rating's going to be?

    1. SO DO I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! o.O hehe Come quickly, 2014. I mean, honestly. :P

      I'm thinking probably PG, POSSIBLY PG13. You know, I still haven't read the script? I know the basic plot-line (for me to know, for you to find out. B) ) but I'm going to have to get someone to send me the script.

  3. Wow! That is so EXCITING you're in it!!=) I've never been able to say when watching a movie-"Hey, I *know* that actress!" before=)
    Looking forward to your "awesome and awkward" post! They're always so much fun to read!=)

    1. haha. . .well, I'm not one of the actresses. Just an extra/seamstress. ;) Maybe if your lucky you'll see my arm in a few of the shots or the side of my head or something. :P

  4. Coming to theaters??????!!!!! WOW, that is awesome! And thanks for sharing the pictures, me thinks this will be an amazing movie!!!

  5. Oh can't wait till this is out! I've heard John Rhys-Davies might be in it too!

    Enjoyed looking around your blog.


    1. John Rhys-Davies IS in it--he plays the villain, Charles Kemp. It was really awesome working with him. He has the most beautiful, booming voice and seems like a really sweet man. :)

      Thanks so much for following! I love meeting new people. <3 <3

    2. I thought he'd be in it! I love watching John Rys-Davies and you worked with him?! Did you have a speaking part in the movie?

    3. There are three pictures of him in my post. ;) But yes--he is an amazing man! Such a talented actor, and his voice is totally beautiful, commanding, poetic. . .he has a lot of "presence" about him.

      No, I don't have a speaking role. I worked with the costume team and was an extra in the ball scene (two all night shoots.) At one point I was standing directly behind JRD, which gave me some time to talk with him. He even put his arm around me a couple times! o.O Anywho--just finally got to read the script the other day. I am so hyped about this movie it's not even funny. ^_^

  6. Ahhh!! That's so exiting!!
    I'd love to just /be/ on a movie set. You're lucky(:
    Thanks for the pictures!
    xx Riley

  7. Looks like a lot of fun! I awarded you, so please go to this link:


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