Friday, August 24, 2012

In pursuit of followers. . .and a video.

*before I become sentimental*  Hailing all web trotters and readers of blogs (or the rambling writings of those pretending to blog.)--on the right hand side of this page you will find a little box entitled: Join This Site. Click the button. Feel proud of your noble deed. Oh, and much obliged. Wanna be friends? YOU DO!? Awesome.  . .wait, NO WAY--you like coffee TOO? Whaddaya know. . .there are kindred spirits in this world. 

But in all seriousness--{Rhapsody} in PINK is trying to reach 300 followers. We're nearly there! It MUST happen. . .if you want me to unleash the HUGE celebration giveaway currently in the works. Tempted? It's all in the click of a button. 

Yes, I know I'm dreadfully behind in posting. I have a whole list of highly-interesting-and-ingenious blog idea's sitting on my dresser upstairs. . .that I can't seem to write. In short, my blog needs LIFE. Will remedy this, faithful readers--never fear! But I know it's time for a break. . .a small one, but long enough to bring back that blogging-drive. So that my posts don't sound half-hearted. . .or like I'm trying too hard. Bear with me, and thank you so much for your patience! Your comments mean more than you know. I've made many treasured friends through blogging. 

Anywho (latest term--I follow trends only after they've been out several thousand years at least. ;) ) The Lord is doing a ton in my life right now--in quiet ways. My contentment is back--a beautiful thing. . .and it's amazing how a changed attitude--fueled by faith-sprinkled-trust--can change everything. Oh, and as of right now I'm not going to Ireland. The door just isn't opening--at least not yet. We'll see what His plans are.

I personally don't believe in dating, so the above title doesn't apply [to me]. However this video is too good NOT to post--very simple, inspiring, and encouraging to hear, coming from a young, married man. {I encourage even my male readers to watch it.} I'd love to hear your feedback!



  1. The pursuit of followers... love it. ;) Congrats on almost reaching 300! WOW. You will, I have no doubt, and soon! ;)


  2. That guy is sooo right!! I also don't believe in dating, but what he just said can also be applied to future husbands. thanks for posting this:)

  3. Loved this post Mich! :)

    That vid. was so encouraging. I love to see and know that there are ppl out there who truly do care, and are reaching for the same goals that I am. Thanks so much for sharing it with us!

    I know how you feel. My blog needs a bit more life too! But as you said, never fear! We'll get it all worked out. ;)

    Thanks again. Btw, I don't think I ever mentioned how much I like the new title of you blog. Darling.

    ~Dani Marie

  4. I have been reading your blog for a long time (and it's become one of my favorites!) and just started to follow a few days ago. Good luck getting to 300, I'm sure you'll reach it soon.

  5. Oh my gosh, that video was great! I loved it.

    Oh, and I understand the follower thing...I'm trying to make it to 200. :)

    God bless you!
    Joy :)

  6. The video was spot-on! I really enjoyed watching that. :)
    Eeep, you're so close to 300!

  7. I adore your blog so much, Michaela. I hope all goes well with getting to 300 followers! I look forward to the giveaway!

    Good video, btw. And yes, those guys DO exist. I married one! :-)

    Have a great weekend!

  8. I'm sure you'll easily reach 300 ~~ you have such a lovely, fun, inspirating blog!!;) Looking forward to the giveaway!!:)

  9. You're so close to 300 followers! Congratulations, girl — that's amazing. I'll miss you while you're on your blogging break, but I hope it's a pleasant one. :)

    Loved the video, by the way. :)


  10. I saw this on my blog dahsboard but could not find post . .an action-fused historic adventure, set in the international turmoil of the mid 1770′s. Running for his life, an East India Company assassin buried his past in a quiet English village, assuming the mantle of an Anglican priest. But this disguise won’t last for long when a woman he loves and a war he no longer wants force him to confront the question of who he really is. In the face of a looming global conflict, he discovers for himself the meaning and source of true justification and freedom.* * * *Fundamentally this is a story about where we find our identity. Each of us asks,... more »
    When Jesus Cries

    This movie is made by my friends!

    1. I just re-published my Beyond the Mask post--it's up and running and ready to read now. ;) Hope you enjoy it!

      Question: is When Jesus Cries a movie? Was that made by your friends, or Beyond the Mask?

  11. Hello Michaela,
    I have been reading your blog and I absolutely adore it. I noticed you are quite interested in Europe from some of your posts. I am British living in England. I think you will find my etsy shop of interest as it is all British and Vintage:
    I hope you have a nice time looking around.
    God Bless,


Thank you for visiting Rhapsody in PINK, friend! I hope it has blessed you in some little way. Please remember to stop in again. . .and leave a name with your comment (if you do not have a Blogger account.)