Saturday, July 21, 2012

days come alive//a guest post by bree

I'm sure you've come to this blog, expecting a lovely post from Michaela, and instead are seeing that some stranger named "Bree Holloway" is writing instead. I'm sure I won't do her random-ness justice, but I'll try at any rate. :)

(click to enlarge)

We all have those days when we don't know what to do. Those days when, even the most exciting thing just isn't exciting enough, unless, of course, it's a trip to Paris. :) Which, let's face it, never seems to happen. Outside your window, tiny drops or water are sprinkling the ground, like teardrops from heaven.

So what do you do? If you're like me, you wait around for something to happen, and waste too much time on ye olde internet. (a.k.a. pinterest.)

But instead of wasting valuable time, I'm going to write up some inspiration & ideas for you, next time you one of those days come up. :)

1. Make something.
Whether it's a sewing project, writing, photographing, blog designing, painting, sketching, make it new. Sew something you've never sewn before. Write from a different angle than usual. Photograph something you usually wouldn't. Design a blog with colors you usually don't use. Paint something strange, or from your imagination.

2. Do a photoshoot.
I'm serious. Use your siblings. Or, if you don't have a subject, use a pet, or a particularly interesting object. :) Even if you can't go outside, find the best-lit room in the house, and snap away. Try to pose your subject in different ways. Not only is this a fun way to spend time productively, it's also great practice. :)

via pinterest
3.  DIY
You know all those DIY's you pin on pinterest, but never get around to doing? Yeah, now would be a great time to try them. :)

easy DIY maxi skirt tutorial

4. Cook
A new recipe. A tried and true recipe that you haven't made in forever. Doesn't matter what it is - cooking is proven (by me. yep.) to be therapeudic. So there, is that reason enough? ;D

homemade peach icecream recipe 1 Homemade Peach Ice Cream
via pinterest

If you don't already know me, my name is Bree Rosalie Holloway, which is a bit of a mouthful. I much prefer being called Bree, or, if you are a particularly ami, (yes, I do put random French words in my sentances. That's what French class does to you. ;D) you might call me bree-hee-hinny-brinny-hooey-hah. (get the The Horse and His Boy referance?) But only on special occasions. *wink*

And to sum me up in a couple of words, I am...I chocolate-a-holic. A dancer. A wanna-be photographer. A girly-girl if there ever was one. An over-grown dwarf. (I'm 5'2'') A girl who screeches Les Miserables around the house, singing her favorite tunes at least three times a day, sometimes more, despite her lack of singing abilities. But most importantly, I'm a sinner, saved by the amazing grace of Jesus Christ. And that's the best part of all. :) you can find me here: blog//pinterest//blog design


  1. Awesome ideas, Bree! I'm definitely going to try some of these. ;)

  2. Neat-io ideas! I've been wanting to try sewing a 1940-50 era dress lately. And then I still have a midival dress I started sometime last year that I REALLY need to finish up.:)
    Hey, I'm 5.2 too!:)


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